Transferring a Split Rx

The Split Rx functionality is only available in a limited number of New Brunswick stores on PharmaClik Rx 2.7.

When a transfer needs to occur for a Split Rx, a prompt appears to inform you there are other medications part of the split. At that point, you can proceed with the transfer or cancel it so you can transfer all the medications together.

To transfer a Split Rx:

  1. Open the Patient Folder.

  2. Select the Profile tab.

  3. Select the prescription to be transferred.

  4. Select RxTransfer. A prompt appears informing you there are other prescriptions part of the split.

  5. Select OK.

  6. Use one of the following options:

    • Enter details in the Transfer window to proceed with the transfer.

    • Select Cancel to return to the Profile so all prescriptions that are part of the split can be selected for the transfer.